1. Does BribeAI analyze CAs sniped with all the sniping bots in the market?
As of today BribeAI Bot is coded to analyze launches sniped by Banana bot snipers. This is due to the fact that Banana is the most used bot in the market, winning more than 90% of launches.
2. I started using the bot but I changed my mind after selecting the Bot Mode, can I start the process again?
It's simple, let's make an example: you started a session with the bot and selected the "⚡ Fast" mode. After this you realized that you wanted to run the "🕵️♂️ Analyitc" mode.
Simply write the command “/new
” and the bot will start a new instance.
Please note that the command “/new
” can be sent only when the bot is expecting an input from the user, you cannot send the command “/new
” while the bot is already fetching information from the chain, in that case you need to wait for the bot to finish fetching data and then you can start a new analysis.
3. Why do I need to verify my wallet with BribeAI Access Bot to use the bot?
Since BribeAI Bot requires the users to hold at least 10.000 $BRAI tokens for Tier 1 access, the wallet verification is a necessary step to use the bot.
4. Is BribeAI Access Bot safe?
BribeAI Access Bot is 100% safe, as you are not required to connect your wallet to any service.
You just need to send a 0 ETH transaction to the gated wallet. It's a normal send transaction like the ones that you may do to send funds between your wallets.
5. Where can I ask for info about a CA I have analyzed?
Should you have any doubt from the Bot results, reach out to the team in BribeAI Community TG. The team is more than happy to provide support there.
4. I'm writing "/start" but bot seems not responding
Command “/start
” is used only to begin your very first interaction with the bot. If you already have an open instance with BribeAI Bot , use the command “/new
” to start scan other CAs.
Last updated